Hair and make-up team ready to glam you up – check!
Expert wedding coordinator hired for the execution of a flawless day (hey, you had to know I was going to throw that in there) 😉 – check!
Self- care before the big day – keep reading …
During the weeks leading up to your big day, it’s so easy to forget about “mind, body, soul planning,” or as psychologists like to call it, self- care. What’s the common result when a bride-to-be breezes past the golden “self-care” rule? Stress, mood swings, fatigue, and possibly not feeling 100% when you say “I do” to your new hubby. Don’t believe me? Tune in to an episode of Bridzilla’s!
I’ve seen plenty of brides invest months into organizing all kinds of details that will make sure their friends and family are shown an absolutely amazing time at their wedding but fail to remember their mental and physical health. Here are a few gems that I like to encourage my brides to keep in mind…
1. Drink Up, Buttercup!

//Woman’s Day//
We all know the benefits of drinking water are endless. The truth is, most of us are walking around dehydrated! As a bride, staying hydrated will increase your energy, make you feel great, and the one I love the most – it means healthier, glowing skin! Many of us mistaken hunger for thirst, so drinking a glass of water before a meal can also decreases over eating. Want to know an easy way to calculate how much water you should be drinking a day? Take your weight in pounds, divide that number in half, and that’s the approximate number of ounces you should be drinking daily. You’re welcome ladies!
2. Get Your Beauty Sleep!

//Embody My Heart and Mind//
I get it. You close your eyes at night, cozy in bed, and the daunting wedding “to-do” list is like a spinning rolodex in your head. Sleep hygiene (a.k.a rules to follow that help ensure a good nights rest) is crucial. Dark circles under your eyes on your big day, no thank you! Un-glue yourself from Pinterest, power down the laptop and dim the lights an hour or so before bed. We can actually condition our brains to understand that we are preparing to sleep by doing these things, pretty amazing! As a psychology professor I had once lectured matter of factly, “The bedroom is meant for two things – sleep and intimate time with your spouse.” So leave the iPhone and follow up work e-mail writing for the living room. Plus, with 7-9 hours of beauty sleep a night you’ll feel refreshed, look amazing and have a ridiculous amount of energy so you can keep up with your girls on the dance floor at your reception!
3. Sweaty Is The New Sexy!

//Women’s Health Magazine//
Balle Bar, Crossfit, HIIT training, running, walking, gardening, speed shopping, you choose! Just get out there and move your body! Physical activity is the path to health and well-being and when we exercise, our brain produces endorphins (the good stuff that makes us happy!) The mind body connection is a pretty powerful thing. So if you’re feeling anxious, stressed or overwhelmed with planning your wedding, physical activity can help keep those feelings regulated and at bay.
4. Show Your Pet Some Love!

//Getty Images//
No, really, I’m not making this one up! Let’s be real for a minute here ladies, we all love our fur-babies. I myself am a dog-mom to a five month old German Shepherd named Maximus and treat him like a little prince. Actually, studies show that petting a dog for 15 minutes releases feel-good hormones serotonin, prolactin, oxytocin and lowers the stress hormone cortisol. Don’t mess with stress and cortisol, that bad boy is what can lead to acne and breakouts and that would not make our wedding photographers very happy now would it? Petting your dog equals avoiding acne. Seems like a pretty good trade off to me!
5. Show Off Those Pearly Whites!

//Andrei Zarubaiki//
You’re way too pretty NOT to be smiling. Obviously! Now let me throw something science-y in there to stay consistent… research shows that smiling seems to activate happiness centers in the brain. Equally fascinating is that smiling is, in fact, contagious. Our brains are wired with mirror neurons that naturally “mimic” emotions we perceive from others. Go ahead, smile, be happy – after all, you’re getting married!
You found the man of your dreams, you’re marrying him, and you’re starting a new chapter in your life – go you! Just remember to give yourself a little TLC along the way.
See you next time gorgeous brides-to-be!