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Establish a Budget – The budget talk can definitely be an uncomfortable one but have it and have it soon after you get engaged! Avoiding this conversation can lead to issues down the planning road. It is better to have an open conversation with your groom, families, or whomever might be contributing to your day. This will make setting a date, picking a venue, and establishing a guest count that much easier.
Plan Your Budget – Whether you do it with a professional or in Excel, map out where your funds will be allocated. Sit down and talk about what your priorities are and where you want to focus funds. Not only will this help with the flow of your planning but it will give you an idea of what types of vendors you can afford.
Have a Slush Fund – Do not budget out every last penny! Try to map out a budget that provides you with a couple thousand dollars to spare. This will come in very handy when you need add an extra table because your mom forgot about her second cousin twice removed. It is always great to know you have a little extra padding and if it is not spent, then you have a little extra for your Honeymoon!
Stick to Your Budget – Once you establish your budget, stick to it! It is very important to be firm and stick to the established budget. If you start to adjust or go over, your entire budget could potentially go out the window. I recommend only looking at vendors within your budget and definitely mention what you have allocated to spend. This will prevent overspending and a potential headache.
Be Reasonable – This may sound obvious but don’t order champagne if you are on a beer budget. After establishing your budget, do not look at venues or vendors that exceed the dedicated line item. This will only cause for stress and disappointment. Being realistic with your budget will give you the best shot at successful planning.
Don’t Fight About Money – My last piece of personal advice, which I know can be hard to follow (trust me, I know), is to not fight about the budget. Your budget has been established for a reason and your wedding will be amazing because it will represent your union. Try not to fight about the budget or what to spend where. If you feel that it might happen, remember that all of this planning is for a day to bring you two closer together and that certainly is nothing to fight about!
// onelove photography //
No matter your budget, you will have an amazing wedding! Your wedding is what you make it, not how much you spend. However I do highly recommend establishing a budget and sticking to it!