traditional vibe. With new trends and a fresh way of doing things in the wedding world these days, it’s always a fine line. Here are some helpful solutions to recreating more hip and happenin’ wedding traditions.
We all know it’s a tradition to not see each other before the wedding. Lately, we’re breaking the rule with doing what we call a “First Look”. First Looks provide a way for you and your groom to see each other before the wedding, but still have it be very special and sentimental. It also allows for you to have a more relaxed, easy flowing day in regards to photography. I wouldn’t worry about breaking this tradition too much. In a few years it’ll be just. plain. history.

//onelove photography//
And how cute is this father-daughter First Look?
//onelove photography//
Need something borrowed? Handkerchiefs passed down, or a locket with grandma’s picture in it, are two sentimental ways to incorporate something borrowed into your ensemble. Looking for a place to put them? We find wrapping your item of sentiment around your bouquet with some lace or fabric works beautifully. It also gives you a chance to glance at it from time to time, calming your nerves right before your big moment.
//Style Me Pretty //
Lastly, will you be cutting a cake? There are new and fresh ways to revamp this old fashioned tradition. Cake is good. Cake is
always good. But, if there’s one thing I like at a wedding when it comes to desserts, it’s variety. Go ahead, cut your cake, but have a pie bar or a gelato truck to go with it. While you’re at it, include French pastries into the mix! Guests will love your array of desserts, and you’ll love still being able to stuff your fiancé’s face with buttercream. Good deal, right?
//Wedding Chicks //
So no matter the tradition, bring some life to it! Make it new, make it fresh, and make it you. That’s what we’re all about, and that’s what we’re here to help you do.
Until next time,