Lawn Games are perfect for an outdoor wedding with a large cocktail area. Croquet, Bean Bag Toss, or Bocce, any of them are the perfect fit for a large grassy setting. If space permits they could all be set-up in different areas of the lawn! Not only will they look adorable as props but will also keep guests interacting if photos run long!
Whether you like it or not, you will have some guests that do not dance or that need a break from dancing. Create a loungelike environment near the dance floor featuring some of your favorite games. Apples to Apples, Catch Phrase, Scrabble, Yahtzee? Non-dancing guests will be entertained, interacting, and feel included!
I absolutely love this, it is a late night must! Not only is it a unique experience for the gentleman but it is something interactive to keep them chatting. This is an activity that can bring age groups together and all of the men can experience something they all truly enjoy together!
These are just a few of the many Activity Stations that could be incorporated into your day! Be creative and have it reflect you as that will provide for a more intimate guest experience. Creating intimate moments that reflect you as a couple is all part of the overall guest experience and provides for memorable takeaways from your day!