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Provide Options – When you are asking your fiancé for his opinion on vendors, themes, and colors provide him with a list of narrowed down options. Before approaching him pull a list together of what you both might like and review it together! Presenting a few florists, color pallets, and themes can alleviate that daunting, overwhelming feeling. This way your man can feel included in the selection process but does not feel like he has looked at 100 different photographer websites!
Give Him Responsibilities – Decide what elements of planning you are OK with him taking over. During our planning, my husband was in charge of the DJ and the bar. Not only was this a way for him to be involved in the planning but it gave him a sense of ownership. These were two things that were very important to him so he was excited to provide me with different options.
Be Selective – Your groom’s involvement in planning is key but it is important to be selective on how you involve him. There are certain appointments that your mom, sister, or BFF might be better suited for than your fiancé. Think about what those might be and make sure to communicate with him before making any decisions. If there are certain appointments that you definitely want him there for be selective of when you schedule! If you know there is a big game or stressful meeting at work, try to schedule around so you can have his full attention!
Hear Him Out – If he hates purple and gold, he hates purple and gold! Don’t try and convince him to like it, try and find a work around so you are both happy! If you ask his opinion on something be sure to listen. You don’t want to hurt his feelings by disregarding what his says and you want to be sure there is equal representation of you both throughout the planning!
Give It A Rest – Sometimes when you are knee deep in planning it is so hard to think about anything else! When you feel that it might be too much, give it a rest! Put the planning aside and spend some quality (planning-free) time with you fiancé. Do something fun that will take your mind off the planning and give you both a break!
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Planning together will not only ensure a reflection of you both but it will also bring you closer together! Planning your wedding is one of the many things you will be doing together in life. It will help lay the foundation for future planning and big decisions.