guests breath away and look smokin’ hot when you walk down the isle, but how awesome would it feel to take your groom’s breath away on your honeymoon and rock the heck out of that little bikini you have picked out! Sound like a good plan? Well, ok! Let’s go!
Put down that donut and pick up a pen and paper! Here’s a list of some practices that will help you achieve babe-a-licious results!
I like to call them… “The Sexy 6!”
1. Get Preppy!
Prep for success! A tight booty and lean legs are made in the gym but those sexy ABS we all want are made in the kitchen! Clean out those cupboards and throw out all junk. If it’s not in the house, it is not an option to be tempted with! Ladybabes, you may be eating it in private, but you’ll be wearing it in public!

2. Shop Like a Pro!
Try and shop the perimeter of the grocery store. Most clean options and whole foods are found here. Nutrition is critical (actually 70% responsible for getting to that goal body.) You’re sweet as a peach already!… so don’t over-do it on fruit! Go for those with a lower glycemic index!
3. Perfect those Portions!
Practice portion control! Take whatever you’re eating and eat HALF. We all love lunching with our girlfriends and next time you do, opt to split a meal. You’ll save money (and your waistline!)
//Womens health//
4. FUEL your body, don’t just FEED it!
Map out your food for the week! I like to do a “meal prep Monday” and plan my meals as well as make an intentional decision about how I will eat to FUEL my body rather than just feed it. Fueling your body with five small meals a day will boost your metabolism and keep you satisfied. Skip processed foods (anything white like pasta, rice, bread) and focus on protein and veggies! If you’re a snacker, have easy “go-to’s” ready and available like walnuts, hard-boiled eggs, or raspberries!
5. Be a Planner! (Just leave the wedding planning to me! 😉
Plan out when you are going to get your workouts in! No excuses, interruptions or pushing it off until tomorrow. Make it an appointment in your schedule, a meeting just as important as a meeting with a new client or boss.
6. JUST SAY NO to the S-C-A-L-E!
Remember that D.A.R.E slogan from elementary school about “Just saying no?” Good! Now apply that to this area as well! Get off the scale! Look ladies… I love looking lean and I’m happy when I see the number on my scale drop down. However, depending on where you’re at you may actually see that number go UP as you shed fat and you build lean muscle. How are your clothes fitting? That is a much better indicator of progress!
Get the goal bikini out, hang it where you can see it daily and post these tips on the fridge. Good luck ladies and MAKE IT COUNT!
Until next time…